Friday, December 25, 2009

Looking Back on a Prediction from the Oracle.

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The decade where in people, my generation, felt unstoppable.

The age of the SNES, where Super Mario was born, The Legend of Zelda began, Final Fantasy had it's first, and Castlevania did a Transylvania.

Photo taken from

Photo taken from

The music was and still is incredible. The evidence comes in the form of you still having your album of ULTRAELECTROMAGNETICPOP somewhere in a hidden stash or electronically converted to your ipod forever to be repeated. It was the decade when Rico Blanco and Bamboo still played on the same stage and Himala was playing loud enough that the whole neighborhood would feel it.

It was the decade when almost everyone had, or borrowed a Tamagochi and a Tetris. MIRC was WICKED and Eye Ball Meet Ups were AWESOME! (cue air guitar)

Photo taken from

Photo taken from

We carried around our Trapper Keepers, strutted in our Dr. Marten's, and the "Haduken" evolved into "Finish Him!".

BMX, skate boards, inline skates, and wall climbing were labeled extreme sports and the X-Games began. We waited for and watched Doogie Howser M.D., Beavis and Butthead, and Ally McBeal.

In contrast, 2009 was an explosion of 80s color ways, patterns, beats, samples, and pop culture. We witnessed the death of Friendster, the decline of Multiply, and the rise and integration of social media platforms not only in our personal lives, but social media as a tool for relevance, community building, corporations and, for better or for worse, marketing and advertising.

Gen X + Y, with the Trail Blazers in my Politics and Relevance Twitter List at the Vanguard, practiced social consciousness that shined through the very bad and worst times of 2009.

One of the most recent black days of 2009 can be summed up with a tweet from @heyessa "The total count is 64. Remember, remember, the 23rd of November."

An 80s Hero and Revolutionary Icon falls and yet, is immortalized and emblazoned in the hearts of so many who remember and in the minds of the new recruits of the Yellow Army.

My prediction for 2010 is that it will surely bring change throughout the political and social landscape of the Philippines. With the upcoming elections and the looming boiling point, we are standing on the edge and on edge. whether it will be the catalyst that we hope and yearn for or the cleaver that splits our collective, nobody knows.

The ORACLE says the 80s will bleed and blend in with the 90s and will make a comeback full force. In fashion, music, events, trends, and everything pop culture.

Consciousness will step up to another level, everyone will be on a high. People will have a sense of resurrection, of being reborn. We will grasp at identities while searching for our own.

One thing I know. The upcoming year is the the time to build and rebuild. It will be the time to persevere and continue our vigilance. This is our generation, we are the hammers that will forge our legacy, we look beyond 2010.

And thus, I leave you with a 90s feel good VIDEO from OASIS: "Stand By Me, Nobody Knows, The Way It's Gonna Be."


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Here's to good food, fine wine, and great company!

Kevin Cabanban

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